
Dr Kelvin McCracken
Kelvin McCracken

Much has been written on this subject in published books and on the internet. Freemasons who have a Christian background are convinced that ‘there is nothing within Freemasonry harmful to their beliefs’. However most mainline Christian denominations have either expressed reservations about the beliefs and rituals of Freemasonry or have condemned them outright.

If you are a member of the Masonic Order and have Christian beliefs we hope that you will find the information provided enlightening. If you are a wife, son or daughter of a Freemason or know that there has been Freemasonry in your past generations or if someone has invited you to consider joining the Masons….

Much has been written on this subject in published books and on the internet. Freemasons who have a Christian background are convinced that ‘there is nothing within Freemasonry harmful to their beliefs’. However most mainline Christian denominations have either expressed reservations about the beliefs and rituals of Freemasonry or have condemned them outright.

If you are a member of the Masonic Order and have Christian beliefs we hope that you will find the information provided enlightening.

If you are a wife, son or daughter of a Freemason or know that there has been Freemasonry in your past generations please go to the section on Principles and Practice of Freemasonry.

If someone has invited you to consider joining the Masons please go to the section on Principles and Practice of Freemasonry.

I expect that, if you are Freemason reading this, your instant reaction to this title has been deep pain, even anger, at the perceived insult. Let me say, at the outset, that I have considerable understanding of your view, having been a Mason for some 17 years and fully acknowledging my own blindness, during that period, to the fact that I was unwittingly breaking the first three Commandments. As someone who was a professing Christian from the age of 16 and rededicated my life to Jesus in 1979, I am fully aware of how God-fearing men of integrity get drawn into something which seems perfectly harmless, even good and charitable, and become spiritually blinded to the truth as soon as they are initiated into the first (Entered Apprentice) degree.

Please let me pose two questions.

Have you ever bought something substantial, e.g. a house, without getting a thorough survey and first reading the contract? Indeed would you have agreed to the deal on the doorstep without first going around every room to check it out?

Would you join a political party, trade union or similar organisation without first determining what you would be signing up to?

In either case would you take the word of two people you knew slightly as being sufficient? No doubt your response to both is a resounding NO and rightly so. Yet that is precisely what you did with your spiritual life and that of your family when you agreed to join Freemasonry.

Now please cast your mind back to your initiation and let me pose 7 more questions!!

At your initiation into the first degree did you really have the information which enabled you to say Yes to the question “Are you solely influenced by a preconceived idea of the excellence of our Order”?
If a Christian, was it appropriate for you to be described as one in darkness, wishing to approach the light when Jesus Christ is the Light of the World?
Did you realise that the Supreme Being referred to was not Jehovah but any God and would variously be described in different degrees as the Great Architect of the Universe, Great Geometrician of the Universe and in higher degrees, of which you were at that time unaware, as Jahbulon, Ahura Mazda (Prince of Persia) etc.?
Did you know, before you entered the Lodge, that you would be asked to bow, wearing a blindfold at an altar, upon which would be graven images (King James Bible, Exodus 20 v 4) in the form of the square and compasses and take an oath of secrecy, the so-called voluntary obligation that you had never been shown and which would prohibit you sharing the secrets with any non-Mason, even your wife?
Did you know that the vow of secrecy would be completed with an ancient penalty which is, in effect, a spiritual curse on you and your family? Would you ever knowingly acquiesce to something potentially hurtful to your family?
Did you know that you would be asked, in ritual preparation, to remove all money, jewellery, etc, including your wedding ring if you wear one, and that this could have spiritual consequences for your material well-being and marriage relationship?
Did you know that, if you continued to further levels of Freemasonry you would ultimately take part in rituals blaspheming every major Christian doctrine, including the Lordship of Jesus as the Light of the World?

If all, or any, of the above had been explained to you would you have ever agreed to continue with initiation into Freemasonry? I suspect not!!! Let me remind you of some key aspects of your initiation and explain why I am convinced that Freemasonry is one of the most serious forms of unwitting idolatry in our community, and with major effects on individuals, families and Churches

Freemasonry (FM) claims to be rooted in antiquity. The exact beginnings of modern Freemasonry are the subject of debate but there is evidence to suggest that some activity occurred during the 1600’s. However, organized FM appears to date from 1717 when the Grand Lodge of England came into being ( Initially there was one degree but quite soon the three degrees of Entered Apprentice, Fellowcraft and Master Mason, which are the bedrock of Freemasonry, came into being. Subsequently other degrees were added, notably the York rite and Scottish rite. The latter incorporates 33 degrees. The first three degrees (plus Worshipful Master) constitute the Blue lodges. Entry to the ‘Red’ and higher degrees is via the Blue, by invitation.

Freemasonry (FM) is described as ‘a peculiar system of morality veiled in allegory and illustrated by symbols’. It emphasises the moral virtues, encourages members to read the scriptures and encourages charity. However, until the last 25 years or so the major focus of its charity was inward–looking, relating to the care of widows and orphans of deceased freemasons. In the 1980’s this was recognized as being bad for the image and a new dimension came about i.e. fund-raising for charitable organizations such as Alzheimer’s Disease Society.

FM claims not to be a secret society but a ‘society possessing secrets’ and any Mason will confidently affirm that FM is not a religion. Entry is based on a suggestion that someone might like to consider joining the Order, coupled with mention of the charitable aspects and the ‘benefits’ arising from the provision for widows and orphans. The only other information available to a potential candidate is that he must express a belief in God and that there will be an initiation procedure.

Before checking up on the initiation procedure you may find it enlightening to look at the section entitled Freemasonry- unwitting and unintended idolatry.

For initiation to the Entered Apprentice (EA) degree, the first degree in FM, the candidate is divested of certain articles of clothing, a halter is placed round the neck ‘in token of submission to the ordeal of initiation’ and a blindfold or ‘hoodwink’ is placed over the eyes ‘representing one in darkness’. The candidate is received in the Lodge room with a ‘dagger pointed at the naked and defenceless breast’ as a symbol of the ‘torment to the conscience should he be tempted to betray the trust about to be reposed in him’ and three questions are put. He is eventually led to kneel before an Altar and is asked to take a ‘voluntary obligation’ to preserve the secrets which will subsequently be revealed. He is advised that this ‘contains nothing contrary to his religious beliefs or political opinions, nothing at variance with the allegiance owed to the Sovereign or Rulers of the State and nothing hurtful to his feelings as a man of honour’.

He then is fed a detailed legalistic statement (the so-called Voluntary Obligation) by the Worshipful Master, which he repeats a few words at a time. The oath is completed with a terrible penal clause – by which he is bound under the so-called Ancient penalty , which is, in effect a spiritual curse, and the Real penalty of being deservedly branded as a wretch, base, faithless and unworthy to be received among men of honour should he violate his obligation. He is then asked to ratify the voluntary obligation by kissing the Volume of Sacred Law, raising the right hand or in any way equally binding upon his conscience. Clearly this is an oath !!

Following completion of the oath the blindfold is removed, the candidate is given a lecture explaining the symbolism of the ritual and the so-called secrets of the degree which he has agreed to keep secret on pain of death. Part of the lecture focuses on ‘the undying hostility which will pursue him should he ever betray the trust reposed in him’. Eventually he is invested with a Masonic apron as a symbol of his entry into the brotherhood of Freemasonry.

For the Christian there are several aspects of this which must raise serious questions as to its compatibility with Christian teaching. Upon close examination it is clear that there are several serious deceptions including the oath, which are not immediately apparent to the candidate during the initiation procedure. First, you may wish to consider some Biblical principles.

The person of God as Father, Son and Holv Spirit is revealed throughout the Holy Bible. The names by which he is revealed include:

  • GOD Jehovah, I AM, Creator, Eternal God, Heavenly Father, Almighty, Judge, Love.
  • JESUS Saviour, Redeemer, Master, Rabbi, Beloved Son, Good Shepherd, Prince of Peace, Rock, The Way, the Truth and the Life, Light of the World, Resurrection and the Life, Lord.
  • HOLY SPIRIT Comforter, Counsellor, Spirit of Truth

God’s holiness and justice are manifest throughout the Bible, particularly in the life and ministry of Jesus, and his desire is for us to be holy as he is holy. To this end he has given us the Commandments as a guide to holy living and for our protection. When we break the commandments we give Satan authority (a foothold) until we repent. The first three Commandments are particularly for protection of our relationship with God. (Revised standard , Exodus 20).

You shall have no other Gods before me.

You shall not make for yourself a graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them or serve them for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generation ——-

You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes his name in vain.

Much of the Old Testament illustrates the problems which arose when God’s chosen people (Israel) fell into patterns of idolatry, either deliberately or unwittingly, and broke these Commandments.

And now, O Israel, what does the Lord your God ask of you but to fear the Lord your God, to walk in all his ways, to love him, to serve the Lord your God with all your heart and with your soul and to observe the Lord’s commands and decrees that I am giving you today for your own good?

The nature of Satan is first revealed in Genesis in the serpent deceiving Eve (Gen 3:4-5). In Matthew 4:9 we see how he sought to tempt Jesus and to get Jesus to bow down and worship him and how he misused scripture. Jesus described him as a liar and murderer (John 8 :44) and the thief who comes to kill and steal and destroy (John 10:10) and in 2 Corinthians 11:14, we are reminded that he masquerades as an Angel of Light. Satan still wants to be worshipped and he does not care how he gets it. We see all these aspects of his modus operandi, especially the web of deceit, within the rituals and teachings of Freemasonry.

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